2007-03-31 18:44:51 UTC
On 31 Mar 2007 03:21:57 -0700, "bobandcarole"
"I am a pedophile -- someone who is sexually attracted to children; I
� won't quibble about pre-adolescent or post-adolescent because I like
� them all. That does not make me a threat to children"
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �4s00th
� "Yes, I've thought about giving little boys blow jobs, and the
�fantasies have been very thrilling and exciting to me"
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �4s00th
"I have on occasion been known to humiliate myself -- but then, I'm
one of the few people with sufficient intelligence to humiliate me"
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �4s00th
What an ignorant fuckwad! He can't figure out that he can't humiliate
me with words I've written, and so, he posts them again.
Bo0by proves yet again that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Of course anonymous pedophile "4s00th" is too stupid to know it isOn 30 Mar 2007 03:05:40 -0700, "bob&carole"
we put them in their place.
When you get around to that, let me know since you've yet to either
humiliate me or put me in "my place." LOL!
It's easy....It's a great pity we can't convince you to kill yourself shithead,
But we can humiliate them and laugh aswe put them in their place.
humiliate me or put me in "my place." LOL!
"I am a pedophile -- someone who is sexually attracted to children; I
� won't quibble about pre-adolescent or post-adolescent because I like
� them all. That does not make me a threat to children"
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �4s00th
� "Yes, I've thought about giving little boys blow jobs, and the
�fantasies have been very thrilling and exciting to me"
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �4s00th
"I have on occasion been known to humiliate myself -- but then, I'm
one of the few people with sufficient intelligence to humiliate me"
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �4s00th
me with words I've written, and so, he posts them again.
Bo0by proves yet again that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Anonymous pedophile "4s00th" has the mind of a child, as do most
That accounts for it's deviant lust for small boys. "4s00th" is
deranged and dangerous.
Every decent person that reads it's vile confessions wants to vomit.
Not to mention rearrange "4s00th's" face :-) Anonymous pedophile
"4s00th" is a pathetic cripple that most likely lives alone, fondling
itself while thinking about sodomizing innocent children. How utterly
humiliating for sick pedophile bastard "4s00th"
Only the sickest of deviants would even think about sodomizing young
boys and "4s00th" freely admits it's perverted thoughts and even has
gall to whine for acceptance because it confessed. "4s00th" is evil
its purest incarnation and definately not fit to be around innocent
or any decent person for that matter. "4s00th" belongs in a cage.
The perverts own confessions.
"I am a pedophile -- someone who is sexually attracted to children; I
won't quibble about pre-adolescent or post-adolescent because I
them all. That does not make me a threat to children"--humiliated
pedophile 4s00th
"Yes, I've thought about giving little boys blow jobs, and the
fantasies have been very thrilling and exciting to me"--humiliated
pedophile 4s00th
"I have on occasion been known to humiliate myself -- but then, I'm
one of the few people with sufficient intelligence to humiliate me"
--humiliated pedophile 4s00th
pedophile liar "4s00th" claims it is not a threat to children.
Would you allow anonymous pedophile "4s00th" to babysit your children?